New Leadership Book Uses Legendary Skills to Train Managers and Professionals
Released on = January 23, 2006, 1:43 am
Press Release Author = Mustard Seed Investments, Inc.
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Managers and professionals sometimes fail to use their less expensive options for self-directed learning and leadership skills training - instead they can avail themselves of the opportunities found through the study of today\'s easily accessible electronic books.
Press Release Body = Many famous American leaders were born in January and February. Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin are some of these legendary leaders.
Each demonstrated leadership skills, such as inspiring people and nurturing relationships, projecting professional attitudes when handling a crisis and defining visionary leadership strategies.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. declared, \"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.\" His statement challenges every corporate leadership skills training program to turn its ordinary managers and professionals into exceptional agents of change.
Being faithful to Ben Franklin\'s advice, \"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,\" is the premise of a new leadership book written by Bill Thomas, entitled, \"Your Leadership Power Handbook: Mastering the Dynamic Drivers of Legendary Leaders for Personal and Professional Success.\"
\"Many of today\'s managers and professionals fail to take advantage of this cheaper, time-friendly, more abundant form of leadership skills training\", says Thomas, referring to the self-directed learning opportunities of reading.
According to Thomas, who teaches and consults on leadership issues, \"studying leadership books gives readers an ability to conveniently schedule their time, focus all their attention on the subject matter and review or revisit important lessons.\"
Reporting on leadership skills training and development practices of various corporations, Personnel Decisions International, a global talent management firm, cites a \"recent study sponsored by Anderson Consulting and The Economist Intelligence Unit found that only 21% of CEO\'s say they and their colleagues are prepared to lead the corporation of the next century.\"
Commenting on a similar type of handbook for managers and leaders, D. Bradford Neary, Director of Executive & Leadership Development at Medtronic, Inc., observes the format is, \"a wonderful resource for quickly obtaining valuable tips for improving your performance.\"
In a recent UK Department of Trade and Industry sponsored study conducted by the Chartered Management Institute less than half of those respondents (only 34%) working for commercial or business organizations, \"reported that their organisation had an explicit budget for leadership development and training.\"
\"While USA business enterprises appear to invest more time and money into their leadership skills training and development efforts, individual managers and professionals could contribute much more to their own growth and education\", insists Thomas.
\"Our research indicates white-collar workers devote much less than $60 a month to their training or development\", Thomas reports, \"most executives, entrepreneurs and other leaders spend less than 4 hours a week reading any kind of skills or career enhancing materials.\"
\"I wrote this book to help people sharpen themselves and improve their personal and professional leadership performances,\" says Thomas. He continues, \"I hope the people of today remember that even those legendary leaders used the time and limited resources available to them to empower themselves and increase their leadership proficiencies.\"
Contact Bill Thomas for more on this topic. Direct line: (973) 519-1902 (719) 544-9949 Book URL:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Bill Thomas||140 West 29th Street, PMB-161||Pueblo , 81008||$$country||||+1-719-544-9949||||
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